We are a spinoff of ‘Still in Belgrade’. It stands as a digital platform dedicated to the promotion and exploration of the cultural milieu within the urban landscape of Belgrade. This multimedia platform transcends the confines of a single metropolis, extending its purview to encompass the broader Balkan region. With a multifaceted approach, ‘Still in Belgrade’ actively engages in collaborative endeavors and disseminates invaluable cultural information. The platform delves into multifarious domains, offering comprehensive coverage of cultural events, music, gastronomy, lifestyle, and travel.

This website was made to make life easier for visitors to our platform and to assist travelers in exploring the city of Belgrade & Serbia.

Check out our press:

(2013) “La Carmina” Japanese blog, “Upcoming Belgrade” Danish student magazine, Top 3 blogs about Belgrade by “Spotted by locals”

(2014-2022) “Die Volkskrant” a Dutch newspaper, “RES” a Swedish travel magazine print & online, “METRO” a Swedish newspaper, “Travel Plus” a Chinese print magazine, “24 sata” a Serbian newspaper, “Blic” Serbian newspaper, “Tourism in” forum,  Tourist Organization of Belgrade website, Dutch  “Trouw”,  Swiss “Be Curious” TV,  “My Big Geneva”  online magazine, “Bibermint” online magazine, “The Guardian” UK, “Grazia” France, “Fantasy Dining” blog Sweden, “EasyJet Magazine”, “TU Magazin” Serbia, Lonely Planet 2019, BIRO 24/7 Serbia, BIRO 24/7 Croatia, Travel & Leisure 2019, Michelin 2022 and many others.